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Graduate Research in Technology & Sustainability (Journals)

ISSN 2375-9062

ISSN: 2375-9062

GRITS (Graduate Research In Technology and Sustainability) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal highlighting quality graduate and undergraduate research in the areas of technology and sustainability.

GRITS accepts submissions on an on-going basis.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy (Journals)

ISSN 1941-8043

The Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy (JCBA) is a publication of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.

JCBA is an open access, peer-reviewed, online periodical the purpose of which is to advance research and scholarly thought related to academic collective bargaining and to make relevant and pragmatic peer-reviewed research readily accessible to practitioners and to scholars in the field.

We welcome submissions from a wide community of practitioners including, but not limited to college and university faculty, graduate students, administrators, union leaders, and others with an interest in collective bargaining in the academy. Please see the Aims & Scope page for more information.

JCBA is supported in part by a generous contribution from TIAA and is hosted by the institutional repository of Eastern Illinois University (EIU), The Keep (a service of EIU's Booth Library).

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Journal of Health Education, Research, and Applied Practice (Journals)

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal. Intro text here

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Journal of the North American Management Society (Journals)

ISSN 2331-7272

The Journal of the North American Management Society [JNAMS] is the official journal of the North American Management Society [NAMS]. JNAMS is a multidisciplinary, online, and open access journal of interest to scholars, professionals, students, and practitioners in a broad range of management thinking.

There are no submission fees, publication fees, or access fees.

Fields of study included in the journal encompass human resources, management education, general management, organizations, ethics, leadership, entrepreneurship, global strategy, nonprofit & public management, and more.

JNAMS includes both peer-reviewed articles and non-peer-reviewed materials such as essays, book reviews, pilot studies, and commentary. JNAMS is committed to developing theoretical and practical knowledge about management and welcomes the full and equal participation of scholars and practitioners alike.

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Journal of Transformative Touch (Journals)

ISSN 2767-7176

The Journal of Transformative Touch is a peer-reviewed journal advancing any and all aspects of therapeutic touch. Our mission is to provide an open forum for the various modalities and sciences that seek to understand touch in its promotion of well-being and healing. By bridging clinical practices, education, science, and the arts we can aid in creating a strong synergistic field among researchers and practitioners alike.

About the Zero Balancing Touch Foundation (ZBTF)

The ZBTF is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to promoting the therapeutic use of skilled touch as a means of improving a person’s health and vitality. An international organization, the ZBTF’s mission is to educate health care professionals and the general public about the benefits of touch in bodywork therapies through research, conferences and through this Journal. To learn more visit

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The Councilor: A National Journal of the Social Studies (Journals)

The Councilor: A National Journal of the Social Studies is a peer-reviewed, academic journal. Originating with the Illinois Council for the Social Studies in 1939, The Councilor has become national in scope with an international audience. The Councilor publishes research and practitioner articles concerned with social studies education, social sciences, history, and interdisciplinary studies. Due to the emerging nature of America’s culture wars, The Councilor will have a keen eye on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in public and private schools and universities.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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The Eastern Illinois University Political Science Review (Journals)

About this Journal

The Eastern Illinois University Political Science Review is an online journal created specifically for undergraduate students of political science. The journal consists of a variety of high-quality, peer reviewed undergraduate papers. Nearly any type of political science paper from an Eastern Illinois University Political Science course at the 3000-4000 level can be submitted to the journal including: position papers, analytical critiques, research papers, book reviews, case briefs, and many more.

The journal itself emerged out of the EIU Political Science Department's commitment to the academic and professional development of its students, and it also contributes to growing interest on Eastern's campus in ways to encourage undergraduate students to become active in the research process. And it should be noted that a number of the students who have published in the EIU Political Science Review also have presented their research at conferences or university/college poster sessions.

Why Submit a Paper to the EIU Political Science Review?

Submission of a paper to the EIU Political Science Review is a rare opportunity to have undergraduate works published in an academic journal. This journal is a chance for undergraduate students to display their strong critical thinking and writing skills as well add an impressive line on a resume. Moreover, for students planning on going to graduate school or law school, a published paper can help gain the edge needed for admission to competitive programs.

How to Submit a Paper?

The process is quick and easy; simply email an electronic copy (.doc, .docx, or .pdf), and the reviewing process will be initiated. Please do your best to correct for any spelling and grammatical errors before submission, as this journal is for high-quality undergraduate works.

To submit a paper, please email an electronic copy to Kristen Gisondi, Managing Editor and Presidential Graduate Assistant, Political Science Department.

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Journal of Applied Disciplines (Journals)

The Journal of Applied Disciplines (JAD) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary academic journal which aims to publish empirical or theoretical original works and brief reports in the social sciences, education, human services, policy, program evaluation, and related fields.

The Journal is interested in works with an applied or practitioner focus, is open access and has no publication or processing fees for authors.


The WE (Wellness & Education) Conference is holding its inaugural meeting in Bolingbrook, IL October 24-26, 2024
Proposal submissions and registration are now open
Wellness and Education Conference

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The International Undergraduate Journal For Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change (Journals)

ISSN 2572-8903

Governors State University Open Portal to University Scholarship (OPUS) is pleased to publish the International Undergraduate Journal for Service Learning, Leadership, and Social Change (ISSN 2572-8903) beginning with Volume 6, Fall 2016. The journal ceased publication in Fall 2020 with Volume 10 Issue 1.

To view all issues, please click on "Browse" in the left sidebar.

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International Journal for Business Education

ISSN 2164-2885

The International Journal for Business Education is a refereed, open-access journal of the La Societe Internationale pour l’Enseignement Commercial--International Society of Business Education (SIEC-ISBE) organization. All articles published by IJBE are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles published on this site. Anyone can use the published material if proper citations of the original publication are used.

SIEC-ISBE was established in 1901. The original journal of the organization began publication in 1903 under the title International Review for the Development of Business Education. The name was shortened to The Review soon thereafter. During the 20th century the content of The Review included both refereed articles and news articles. It was the primary means of communication with the members and was delivered by the postal services twice per year.

In 2009, the Executive Committee of SIEC-ISBE determined that a dedicated refereed journal was needed, making The Review a research journal. In 2012, to represent the purpose of the journal more accurately, it was renamed the International Journal for Business Education.

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Journal of STEM Teacher Education

ISSN 2158-6594

Ryan A. Brown & Allison Antink-Meyer

The Journal of STEM Teacher Education, formerly the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, publishes high quality research and theoretical articles as well as position papers concerning the education of pre-service and in-service teachers in a variety of settings. One to two issues are published each year. The journal is concerned with how to understand and support STEM-related knowledge and practices among Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers, informal STEM educators (e.g. museums, libraries, maker-spaces, etc.), and formal K-20 classroom teachers. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that report classroom, curricular, and conceptual innovations in teacher education that emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of STEM-related disciplines. The Journal of STEM Teacher Education is an open access, peer reviewed journal with high standards for publication. All manuscripts which report data or participation by human subjects must include appropriate oversight by Institutional Review Boards.

Requirements for all submitted manuscripts include that work must be focused on (1) teacher education (no classroom studies, or student focused works), and (2) it must involve the integration of STEM domains. For example, PD for mathematics teachers learning to utilize engineering design challenges to contextualize concepts.

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Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics

ISSN 2473-5493

Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics is a refereed journal dedicated to publishing high quality manuscripts that describe mathematical and statistical techniques to solve problems in biological settings. Submitted papers may take various forms, including development of a mathematical model of a biological system, possibly including experimental work; development of a particular solution or method related to biological systems; or computational, statistical, or theoretical analysis of existing mathematical models in biology.

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Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders

ISSN 2689-6443

Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders (TLCSD) publishes articles that reflect current and exemplary scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) research in speech-language pathology and audiology. Articles submitted to TLCSD may also reflect current trends in the format of SoTL work, including original research, quantitative or qualitative in nature, reflective essays and case studies, both grounded in the literature. Recognizing the diverse experiences and perspectives of our readers and contributors, TLCSD strives to foster evidence-based educational practices that build capacity for all potential educators and students. We welcome inquiries to the Editor regarding the potential for unique and novel work that is related to the content of the journal.

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The North American Accounting Studies

ISSN 2574-1330

The North American Accounting Studies is an accounting research journal sponsored by the North American Accounting Society. It aims to provide a forum for the publication of quality accounting research.

Topics of Interest: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing and Assurance, Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, Accounting Information Systems, Taxation, Government and Nonprofit Accounting, Accounting Education, and other areas of Accounting.

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International Journal of Žižek Studies

ISSN 1751-8229

The International Journal of Žižek Studies (IJŽS) is an online, peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to investigating, elaborating, and critiquing the work of Slavoj Žižek. IJŽS is an interdisciplinary journal that is open and welcoming to diverse approaches, methodologies, interpretations, and language of composition. IJŽS has no predisposition for specific interpretations of Žižek or the thinkers he interprets.

IJŽS adheres to the platinum standard of open access publishing, meaning that digital versions of articles are available, free of charge, to researchers and the general public immediately upon publication and NO publication or article processing fee is charged to authors. All material published in the International Journal of Žižek Studies is published under the Creative Commons Attribution License, and copyright for articles, reviews, and translations published in the journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to IJŽS.

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Northern Illinois University Law Review (College of Law)

The Northern Illinois University Law Review is a student-edited journal that publishes articles intended to assist the legal community and to stimulate critical discussion of current legal, policy and social issues.

The Law Review publishes three print issues each year. The online supplement highlights the work of NIU College of Law students and is released once a semester.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal

ISSN 2576-3326

Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal

Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal is an international open access, blind peer-reviewed publication housed at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The Journal seeks to enlarge and shift current professional domains within the arts and teaching, inquiry and learning with a renewed examination of what is possible through an expansive interdisciplinary lens that includes all of the creative arts.

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Deliberately Queer Journal

Deliberately Queer Journal

Deliberately Queer Journal is a refereed, annually published electronic graduate student journal devoted to research at the intersections of philosophy, theory, and/or practical application of queer theory from across fields and disciplines.

In 1990, Teresa de Lauretis playfully coined the term Queer Theory. In doing so, de Lauretis called for academics to critique and create methods for research, new or adapted lines of inquiry, and new forms of analysis. Used as a directive, queer theory was also a call to queer existing theory and scholarship in the light of the ongoing, lifesaving, world changing queer and LGBT activism of the day. Thanks to the foundational scholarship (beginning decades before the the term was coined), queer activist work, and the scholarship of many wonderful queer theorists, queer theory has evolved and continues to grow. Deliberately Queer Journal, as a platform for graduate students, is a continuation of that call to deliberately queer ourselves and our worlds.

Deliberately Queer Journal

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Ethnobotanical Leaflets

WELCOME to Ethnobotanical Leaflets . The aim of this web journal is to facilitate publication in all areas of ethnobotany.

Ethnobotanical Leaflets has ceased publication and is no longer accepting submissions. .

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Journal of Applied Sciences and Arts

ISSN 2377-8687 (Online)

The Journal of Applied Sciences and Arts (JASA) is a peer-reviewed journal for publishing use-driven research and creative outcomes. We make the distinction between basic research and applied research by following the use-driven research paradigm advanced by Donald Stokes in Pasteur's Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation: a model of research done carefully, i.e., good science, but motivated by specific practical needs, hence referred to as need-driven or use-driven. Stokes points out that this interplay of science and technology is not unique, and the history of science and technology abounds with similar stories. JASA provides a unique opportunity to feature experiences in sciences and arts as applied to important technological needs in solving complex practical societal problems in many areas of human endeavor.

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Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education

A Publication of the Universities Council on Water Resources

Former title: Water Resources Update, until June 2004

Issues from 77 (Spring 1988) to 137 (September 2007) are available at this site.

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Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research

Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research

Kaleidoscope is a refereed, annually published print and electronic graduate student journal devoted to communication research at the intersections of philosophy, theory, and/or practical application of qualitative, interpretive, and critical/cultural communication research.

Currently published through the School of Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Kaleidoscope is financially supported by the SIUC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, the SIUC College of Liberal Arts, the SIUC School of Communication Studies, and the SIUC Graduate and Professional Student Council. In the past Kaleidoscope has also been supported through a National Communication Association Presidential Initiative grant. Kaleidoscope is indexed, abstracted, and available in full-text electronic format from EBSCO Publishing.

School of Communication Studies
Communications Building – Mail Code 6605
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
1100 Lincoln Drive
Carbondale, IL 62901
Phone: 618.453.2815
Fax: 618.453.2812

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Legacy, a journal of student research, has been published once a year since 2001. The journal enables students to present their research to a broader audience of historians and interested readers. All articles published in Legacy are rigorously peer-reviewed and usually revised from research papers done in SIUC history courses.

The present faculty advisor for Legacy is Dr. Ted Cohen, who will be happy to provide more information on how to submit work for publication in the journal. Please contact him at, phone: 618/453-7147.

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Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development

ISSN 1550-347X

We are accepting submissions!!
The Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development (OJWED) publishes articles designed to inform workforce educators and practitioners regarding current research, promising practices, and significant issues associated with workforce education. OJWED provides a forum for discourse on critical issues in the workforce, career, and technical education, including training and development. The audience includes educators, practitioners, and researchers who design, manage, teach, and evaluate workforce education and development programs.

OJWED is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed publication that welcomes original manuscripts from practitioners and researchers on issues affecting workforce education and development.

The Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development is produced by the Department of Workforce Education and Development at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. ISSN 1550-347X

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SIU Journal of Medical Science Scholarly Works

SIU Journal of Medical Science Scholarly Works is the academic, peer-reviewed journal for the Doctor of Medical Science Degree (DMSc) at SIU School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program. The journal serves as the forum for the exchange of philosophies and research contributed by faculty and students to literature in the health care field.

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Southern Illinois University Law Journal (School of Law)

Southern Illinois University Law Journal

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The Open Court

The Open Court


The Open Court, published between 1887 and 1936, was "devoted to the science of religion, the religion of science, and the extension of the religious parliament idea." Subjects extensively covered by articles in The Open Court include the history of philosophy, Asian religions and culture, education, and contemporary ideas of religion and philosophy. The journal also published reviews of contemporary works of theology, philosophy, science, and mathematics.

As the official repository for the Open Court Publishing Company, the Special Collections Research Center of Morris Library is making digitized articles from The Open Court available via OpenSIUC.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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Syrian Studies Association Bulletin

Introductory text for Syrian Studies Association Bulletin.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

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